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ⓒ2008 - 2015 Rockstar Games, Inc. Rockstar Games, Rockstar North, Grand Theft Auto, the GTA Five, and the Rockstar Games R* marks and logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. in the U.S.A. and/or foreign countries. Dolby and the double-D symbols are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Uses Bink Video. Copyright ⓒ 1997-2012 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. euphoria motion synthesis technology provided by NaturalMotion. euphoria code is (c) NaturalMotion 2008. ""NaturalMotion"", ""euphoria"" and the NaturalMotion and euphoria logos are trademarks of NaturalMotion. Used under license. This software product includes Autodesk Scaleform software, ⓒ 2013 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved The ratings icon is a trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. All other marks and trademarks are properties of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
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Rockstar Games, 622 Broadway, New York, NY, 10012
T2 Take Two Interactive
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